Shuttle Time Teacher Course Registration - Bhutan Badminton Federation

Bhutan Badminton Federation (BBF) in collaboration with Punakha Sports Association will be conducting “Shuttle Time Teacher Course” at Khuruthang MSH, Punakha from 10th – 11th April, 2021.
The participants will have access to free resources during the training that supports the teaching of enjoyable, safe and inclusive badminton activities for children aged 5-15 years old with the basic knowledge of badminton. Shuttle Time lessons are designed to provide children with a positive image of badminton through opportunities to have fun and experience success.

The number of the participants will be limited up-to 25 participants on first-come-first basis.
Confirmed participants will receive a call from the BBF management.

Reporting time: 08.00 AM
Refreshment and lunch will be provided along with the training t-shirt.

For queries, please contact National Development Officer Mr. Dorji #17221722

For registration, click the link below: