All arts are appreciated for they possess life’s purpose of expressing, finding and spreading truth, goodness and beauty. All societies have various art forms, for no society can exist without them. Sports is one such art which keeps the society whole: united and complete, keeping all relations alive.
We see new changes come into society every day and these changes have great impact on all those who live within that society. These changes can be seen in dress, food and speech. Changes also come in the way of sports.
Badminton is not a traditional sport of the Bhutanese but it came into the country with the start of planned economic development and as Bhutan opened its doors to the outside. Badminton is one of the most affordable sports and can be accessed by most. It is enjoyable and healthy recreation, allowing at the same time for the fostering of worthy values of discipline. Healthy competition and sportsmanship.
The Bhutan Badminton Association was created in August 1994. In 1996, the Bhutan Olympic committee approved the establishment of the Bhutan Badminton Federation, in place of the Association.
The Bhutan Badminton Federation shall, hereafter be governed by the provisions made in this Constitution, ratified by the General meeting of the Federation held on this day, 1 August 1997 and by the Bhutan Olympic Committee, to whom the Federation is affiliated.
a. The “Federation” means the Bhutan Badminton Federation.
b. “International Federation” means the International Federation
(Badminton World Federation)
c. “Member” means the member of the Bhutan Badminton Federation.
d. The “Annual General Meeting” means the General Meeting of all the members of the Bhutan Badminton Federation constituted under the rules hereinafter contained.
e. “Constitution” means the Constitution of the Bhutan Badminton Federation.
f. “The Central Committee” means the Central Committee of the Bhutan Badminton Federation constituted under the Rules hereinafter contained.
g. “Active Members” means members who are office-bearers of the federation and the representatives of the Dzongkhags/Clubs.
1. The name of the organization shall be “ Bhutan Badminton Federation ”.
The federation shall be affiliated with the Bhutan Olympic Committee and shall bear all the rights and responsibilities thereof.
The headquarters of the Bhutan Badminton Federation shall be at Thimphu. However, the headquarters can be shifted to any other location by a decision of the general meeting.
The official and financial year of the federation shall be from 1 July to 30 June.
Every member of the federation shall be bound to conform to the rules, regulations and by-laws of the federation which may be subject to change.
The following shall be the objectives of the federation :
- To promote and improve the sports of badminton in the country.
- To promote badminton as a healthy recreation for the general public.
- To promote the interest of the youth in this game in Bhutan.
- To unite individuals and badminton associations/ clubs in the country under one roof.
- To foster the values of sportsmanship, friendship and discipline among the players.
- To foster and nurture talent to increase participation of the Bhutanese in international competitions.
- the following shall be the main strategies of the federation:
- organize badminton tournaments and matches.
- Provide coaching and training support to individual members and member associations/clubs. The coaching of students will be held during the school vacations and breaks regular coaching wherever possible. Specialized training of players for international competitions should also be designed to minimize clashes with school activities and other interests of the players.
- Strengthen and support member federations/clubs in building up infrastructures required for training and physical exercise in badminton.
- Disseminate basic knowledge and modern techniques in badminton and physical exercise through publishing literature in any form, including the rules of Badminton as approved by the international Badminton Federation (BWF).
the federation shall be composed of the following principal organs:
The General Meeting
The Central Committee
Tournament Committee
Selection Committee. Others Committees as and when necessary.
The General Meeting shall consists of all active members.
The functions of the General Meeting shall be:
to formulate policies for the achievement of the objectives of the federation.
To elect the office bearers and the members of the Central Committee in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Federation, contained herein.
To consider and adopt the annual budget, annual report, annual statement of accounts and audit review of the federation on the recommendation of the Central Committee; and
To consider and ratify any amendments to the constitutions.
The General Meeting shall be held once every year.
The Central Committee shall include:
The President/Vice President Secretary General, Treasurer, Coach, ( one only to represent all coaches ) other elected members of the Federation, and one representative from each affiliated Dzongkhag Association/Club.
The Central Committee members shall:
Be elected at the General Meeting, once in three years;
b) Hold office for a term of 3 years and shall be eligible for re-election for a similar term;
c) Not simultaneously be an office-bearers of any other National Federation except the Bhutan Olympic Committee; and
d) Any vacancy that occurs in the Central Committee shall be filled by co-option from the remaining members and which shall be regularized in the next General Meeting.
The functions of the Central Committee shall be:
a) to conduct the business of the Federation during the interval of the General Meetings in accordance with policy guidelines laid down by the General Meeting;
b) Approve expenditures above the sanctioning authorities of the President and the Secretary General on behalf of the Federation;
c) To serve on various functional committees that may be formed to assist in the activities of the Federation by the President/Secretary General. If a member is absent in three consecutive meetings without prior notice, his membership in the Central Committee may be terminated;
d) To direct a Section Committee to select individuals/teams for participation in the regional and the International meets; and
e) To consider and recommend adoption of the annual report, annual accounts and budget for the nest year to the General Meeting.
The powers and function of the President as the Chief Executive Officer shall be:
To Preside over all meetings of the General Meeting.
To call meetings of the General Meeting and Central Committee as and when necessary.
To be responsible for implementing all activities towards the achievement of the objectives of the Federation and dealing with disciplinary matters within the Federation;
To exercise the casting of vote in case of a tie, in addition to his/her deliberative vote;
To sanction up to 10,000/- for any one instance, without the splitting of expenditures to accommodate delegation of power, on behalf of the Federation for non-plan expenditures. Expenditures in in excess of this amount shall have to be sanctioned by the Central Committee;
For planned activities he has power to sanction the required amount within the budgeting provision.
To form functional committees to carry out specific activities of the Federation, as and when necessary; and
To appoint temporary replacements from the Central Committee for those office-bearers who are absent and away from station.
The Vice-President shall have the following responsibilities:
Represents the Presidents in his/her absence. In these cases the Vice President shall exercise all he powers vested in the President.
b) Give prior notice to the President in case of absence from station and handover charge to the temporary replace duly appointed.
The Secretary General shall have the following functions and responsibilities:
Be responsible for the day to day work of the Federation in accordance with the decision of the general meeting and the Central Committee, and under the over all supervision of the President;
Instruct Adm. Officer to issue notices and the agenda for all meetings and keep the minutes of all meetings held;
Be responsible for co-coordinating the safe custody of the records of the Federations;
Call meetings of the General Meeting and the Central Committee and any other Committee or sub-committee, under the advise of the President;
Perform such other duties assigned to him under the rules;
Approve expenditure up to Nu. 5000/- on any one instance, without the splitting of expenditures to accommodate delegation of power, on behalf of the Federation for non-planned expenditures.
For planned activities he can approve expenditure within the budgeting provision.
Give prior notice to the President in case of absence from station and hand over charge to the temporary replacement duly appointed.
18. The responsibilities of the treasurer shall be:
a) To maintain all accounts, receive all money on behalf of the Federation and issue formal receipts;
b) Pay all bills duly approved by the president, General Secretary and/or the Central committee, as may be the case, within the amounts in the budget passed by the General Meetings;
c) Prepare and submit for adoption by the General Meeting, annual statement of accounts and the budget for the next financial year;
d) To fulfill any other task that may be entrusted to him/her by the Central Committee; and
e) Give prior notice to the President/ General Secretary in case of absence from station and have over charge to assistant treasurer.
19. The responsibilities of the coaches shall be;
a) To conduct tournaments and matches duly approved by President. He /She shall contacts Sport Association Secretary General.
b) To conduct coaching and training in accordance with the annual work-plan of the Federation;
c) To fulfill any other tasks that may be entrusted to him/her by the Central Committee; and
d) To give prior notice to the President/ General Secretary in case of absence from station and hand over charge to the temporary replacement duly appointed.
20. The responsibilities of the Administrative Officer shall be;
a) To maintain records, in the form of a stock register, of all equipments and/or other contributions received in kind by the Federation, and issuing them under the instruction of the Secretary General;
b) To maintain the physical stock, consisting of all equipment and/or other contributions received in kind by the Federation, and issuing them under the instructions of the Secretary General;
c) To fulfill any other tasks may be entrusted to him/her by the Central Committee; and
d) To give prior notice to the President/ Secretary General in case of absence from station and hand over charge to the temporary replacement duly appointed.
21. The notice period and quorum as given below shall be observed for all meetings:
MEETINGS Notice* Quorum
GENERAL MEETING 30 days One half of the representatives entitled to vote
MEETINGS OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE 10 days 7 active members for official bearer of Federation (but only 1 representative from coach)
EMERGENCY MEETING OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE 1 day 7 active members for official bearer of Federation (but only 1 representative from coach)
Notification of meetings may be sent by letter, telegram or fax. For emergency meetings of the Central Committee, notification may be given by the telephone.
22. Membership to the Federation shall be open to:
a) All Dzongkhag Association/Clubs in Bhutan;
b) All interested Badminton and willing to abide by the rule s laid out in this constitution; and
c) All such other persons who have rendered eminent services to the promotion of Badminton, on the recommendation of the Central Committee and General Meeting, will be awarded honorary membership.
23. Application for the membership shall be made in the prescribed from Annex 1.
24. Membership fees/ contributions shall be as follows:
a) Membership of Dzongkhag Sport Associations/ Clubs to the Federation as well as well as the annual affiliation fee, payable by the Dzongkhag Associations/ Clubs to the Federation shall be 500 per annum, subject to Change;
b) Contribution of individual members in Thimphu should be a minimum of Nu.50.00 per annum, subject to change;
c) The annual affiliation/membership fees shall become due for payment on 1 July and shall be paid on or before 30 June every year. Defaulters shall be liable to pay the over-due fees with an addition penalty of Nu.50.00 before the closure of the next financial year; and
d) If the affiliation /membership fees and penalty imposed is not paid on or before the last day of the next financial year, the defaulter shall automatically cease to be a member of the Federation. Thereafter, its case for membership shall be considered afresh by the Central Committee and the General Meeting of the Federation.
25.The voting rights of members shall be as follows:
a) Each member dzongkhag Association/ Clubs shall be entitled to send two representatives to the General Meetings. The representatives shall be entitled to one vote each. The right of exercising the vote shall be vested in the accredited Association/ Clubs.
b) All other members, including the Central Committee members will exercise one vote each. In case of a tie, the president will have the casting vote in addition to his deliberative vote;
c) No proxy shall be allowed; and
d) Honorary members shall have no voting rights.
e) Members who are not official bearer of BBF or not representatives of Dzongkhag or clubs shall have no voting right.
26. The activities of the Federation shall be financed by;
a)Subsidy from Government through MoF.
b)Assistance from Bhutan Olympic Committee;
c)Membership fees and contribution; and
d)Collection from fund-raising activities.
27. Financial management procedures shall be as follows:
a) All collections in excess of Nu.100.00 should be deposited in the bank by the treasurer. The Bank accounts should be jointly operated by any two of the three: President, Secretary General and Treasurer.
b) Payments will be made by the treasurer as per the provisions and power contained herein.
28. Audit review shall be requested annually, or as and when necessary, by the Central Committee or the General Meeting of the Federation and fixation of audit remuneration shall be proposed by the General Secretary of the Federation.
29. Amendments to the constitution shall be made only at the General Meeting by one half of the representatives present and voting. All proposed amendments must be presented to the General Secretary three weeks in advance of the General Meeting and forwarded by him to every member, at least a fortnight before the meeting.
30. All the tournaments and competitions shall be conducted under the rule of Badminton World Federation.
31. All members Dzongkhag Association/ Clubs affiliated to the Federation shall refer all unresolved technical disputes for settlement to the Federation.
32.The interpretation of the provisions of this constitution shall fall within the competence of the Central Committee of the Federation and their decisions shall be final and binding.
33. All residual powers not listed in the constitution shall rest with the Central Committee subject to ratification by the General Meeting.
34. The income and the property of the Federation shall utilized solely for the promotion of the aims and objectives of the Federation and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly to anyone, even by the way of dividend.
35.The Federation shall be guided by the rules and regulations and other instructions, issued from time to time, by the Badminton World Federation (BWF). In case of a conflict between the rules in this constitution and the rules, regulations and other instructions from Badminton World Federation, (BWF) the latter prevail.
Name of applicant (In block letters) :
Age :
Occupation :
Nationality :
Permanent home address :
Present address, telephone number :
Mod of payment of minimum :Cash Cheque
Membership contribution.
Signature of the applicant :